Female Scammer Ellen  Osei

Ellen  Osei

Female Scammer Ellen  Osei

E-mail: Ellenosei2018@gmail.com
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First Name: Ellen
Location [Address]: Accra
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-Original Message-
Hi my new friend ! this is ****!I'm so happy to receive a letter from you. Franckly speaking, I didn'thope that such a man as you're would answer me. It's very pleasant forme! Now i'm going to tell you about my hobbies and interests.I like plenty of things. My favourite colour is a colour of red roses.I'm fond of reading stories about love. I'm rather romantic you see. Ilisten to different kinds of music. It makes no difference to me. Butthe music must be beautiful. I like classical things like Beethoven(especially " a lunar sonata "). Also I go for "Roxette", Celin Dion,Madonna. And I like "Scorpions", their song "The wind of change" makesme cry. At the same time i listen to pop music i like Avril Lavin"when you're gone" that's a thing! Sjmetimes i prefer R&B you knowJustin Timberlake, Nelly Furtado. Very rythmical music. I don't go todisco clubs often i prefer staying home making myself comfortable onthe sofa in front of TV.I like "Beautiful woman" with Julia Roberts. This story is worthadmiring. I'm fond of films where love wins, it is so touching! . Ialso love films about residual friendship (" We were the soldier ","the Blade ", " the Brotherhood of the wolf ", "Gladiator"). From acomedy I love comedies where plays Jim Carry: his unforgetable "Mask"," Silly and still Silly ", also love film of " Criminal literary dust"and film with Al Pachino " Aroma of women ". Have you watched them?What do you think about "The house of evil-1,2,3"? I watched them butthere're too many violence there to my mind. As for the leisure time,I keen on sport as i've already told you. I love tennis and badmingtonin the open air. Also i like swimming and just sunbathing. It's nicewhen you want to relax liying on the beach.When winter begins it'srather cold here. Children go toborganning and snowfighting. I'm fondof skating and skiing when the ponds are frosen over and the air isfresh. I also enjoy dancing. It's a wonderful way to have time. Yousee i'm a bit romantic so i'm fond of travelling though i can't affordmyself to travel a lot. I love sunsets and sunrises. It's amazing! Ilike reading, and I love children very much, and because of this Idreamed to become a teacher when i was a little girl. When I have freetime, I like reading. I love different books: about love and aboutrisk, sometimes I like detectives. My favourite authors - in generalfrom the Russian Literature are for example, Chehov, Turgenev andTolstoy.What do I wait from our correspondence? I'm a gentleandsociable girl. I want to be loving and to be loved. I wanttoreceive care and attention from the person I love. I'll givehim allmy tenderness and love. I'll admire him and our love.I want to share aremarkable life with beloved and all my private thoughts. I would liketo share all my private secrets with him. I search for the reliableand honest person, which loves me and estimatesme. I'll stay by himevery second when he requires me. I want to have steady family andchildren. I'll be a my family. I think, that the family will be for methe most important thing on the Earth. I search for the person whowill be mybeloved, my friend, my husband, and father of my children.And I wish my dream come true. I really dream from the future steadyfamily. I'll be a happywoman with such a family. But I should add herethat children are very important, but, first of all my attention willbe devoted to my husband as children become the adult, and, they willwork independently, while a husband - a unique person with whom I'llstay for the whole my life.My city KazanThe Kremlin - pride of capital of Tatarstan. It is unique in the worlda living Tatar fortress, and today serving by the center of statehood,and also the most southern sample of the Pskov style in Russia. Weshall find traces of all epoch, works of many generations ofarchitects in a stone of its constructions, centuries. Deeply underthe ground lay today ancient and shaft, the rests of wooden walls ofthe most ancient Kazan which has gone through new blossoming in XV-XVIcenturies when the rudder of government had khans of a broken upGolden Horde. The Tatar capital which has stretched around of highcape Kazanki, was one of the most beautiful cities of the Volgaregion, and Kerman (so referred to then a fortress) - itsunapproachable stronghold. It was the powerful construction reliablyprotected by high walls, towers, with many boundaries of defense. Herewere placed the government and religious leaders of the state, and innorthern part towered with the area before it. One of the brightestarchitectural constructions of the Kremlin dominating over a panoramaof city and riveting attention from any point, under constructionmosque Kyl shrif is. General idea Kyl shrif, worthy to be declared inits architecture, its historical value as main mosque of Tatarstan andthe Tatar people reviving the statehood is. Other leading idea- memoryof defenders of Fatherland. The idea of a temple as forms of thepolitical declaration is not new in history of architecture. Arethose, for example, Vasily Blazhennogo's cathedral in Moscow andMohammed-??? mosque in Cairo. Both these buildings which have appearedduring the critical periods for the states, dominate over a silhouetteof capitals, differ symbolism and forms, singularity of architecturallanguage. The complex of mosque Kyl shrif will be not so much cult,how many a cultural-educational complex and a centre of science: TheMuseum of Islamic culture of the Volga region, Museum of the ancientmanuscript are included in its structure with a research part,library.Here i would like to put some questions:Have you ever had serious relationships? If so, why did it stopped?Have you ever been married? What do you dream of? What is your perposein life? What do you expect from our relations? What kind of people isyour wife to be? I'd be very glad if you answer me. I hope that myletter is not too long. Didn't you get tired with reading it? Couldyou send me more pictures? I hope you understand what i write you.Hope to here from you soon!



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